I know we have all heard the phrase that "life is short, so cherish it," or "life is short, don't waste it," etc. But, have you ever really thought about that phrase? Really, have you? Life does not seem short.. especially not at the age of myself & my peers. Sometimes we seem to think we are on top of the word & invincible. Sure we see things happen to people our age, but we think, jeez that will never happen to me. We think we have nothing but time, so we constanly put things off thinking that we can get to that later, we are still young.
If we continue to think like this we will probably end up old & regretting putting things off & not living life to the fullest in our younger moments when we were much more capable of doing things. That is, if we even live long enough to grow old. Life is fragile. It could be over at any moment.
"Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered- how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath." Psalm 39: 4-5 (New Living Translation).
Imagine when you breathe onto glass, & how your breath appears on the glass for only an instant & then disappears. I picture our life to be like that. Compared to eternity; our lives are but mere breaths.
So, I ask you, where do you want to spend your enternity after this life? How are you spending your life right now? What would you do differently today if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?
In church, we have been discussing eternity. This quote continuously got brought up. I think it is an awesome & powerful quote...
"I resolve to live everyday as if I had already seen the happiness of heaven and the torments of hell."
- Johnathan Edwards
Wow! How awesome is that quote?? I want to start living everyday like that. Thinking about the happiness of Heaven & the torments of Hell. Imagine how differently I would live my life if I could do that!
Matt Carter is doing his entire sermon on Heaven this Sunday. I will definitely share it with you guys. My last post was his sermon on Hell. I highly recommend listening to it.
This post was inspired by my friend who I almost lost Thursday night. She had a really bad car wreck. I am so thankful that God was watching over her & has kept her here with us. He must have a plan for her. <3 I am excited to see what that plan is. But it made me stop & think about how fragile life really is. So don't waste another minute. Start living life today as if you were to die tomorrow, I mean really. Be authentic (inspired by Holly Stallcup's blog... http://www.fallinginlovedevo.blogspot.com/ ) with yourself & others. Truely take the time to let the people you love & care about know how much you love & care about them. Take the time to get to know other people. Most importantly, take the time to know God better & pursue your relationship with Him.
Jules, I love you with all my heart & I am so appreciative of you being my best friend. You have always been there for me & I pray that we will always be in touch. You are an amazing person. This blog really spoke to me.